The Illusion Of Control
Being a high-achiever is a dangerous game.
Typically children of unfair circumstances, we learned to adapt our world to our needs, a valuable skill, indeed.
As we grow older, however, the consequences of not having also learned to adapt ourselves to our world become increasingly dire.
Need proof? Just look at Elon Musk.
The very thing that brings us all the "success" we relish is the same thing that brings us all of our suffering. As we realize this, we fear what happens if we stop trying so hard.
With practice, we soften, giving blossom to a much more nourishing, sustainable, wholesome form of success.

These are some of my clients’ favorite posts over time…

Meet Andy Wolfe
You can think of me as a gentle personal trainer for your mind.

Action And Reward
It’s undeniable that there’s more to this world, this life, this existence when one closes one's eyes to meditate — we touch into that place, that stillness, that peace, that from which everything emerges.

The Key To Meditation — This Simple Shift Changes Everything
Meditation isn't a practice of finding stillness or peace. Minds wander! It's what they do.
Meditation is a practice of making peace with the natural busyness of the mind.

Reframing Self-Love As Productive
Still in a place of fear, thinking about “what if” her son doesn’t write good college essays, she said “well, if I fail at something, at least I can say I worked really hard.”
I responded, well, what if that became...
“If I fail at something, at least I can say I loved myself.”

Mindfulness Resources
Consolidated list of mindfulness resources

A Lesson In Financial Integrity From A Costa Rican Cabbie
Money is at the core of so many of our choices, fears, and…breaches in integrity.
After learning some of Pascual's joys and sorrows, I felt a growing connection. I decided to broach the income topic — I asked if he'd ever found himself in a situation where he could earn money by doing something that left him feeling uneasy. A modest smile appeared on his face…

I'm increasingly realizing that it only takes complete willingness to step into, and stay, in the void. And then just like that, once I've fully surrendered and let go of what happens next, I'm only there for a heartbeat, before I'm reborn into something, somewhere even more beautiful and magical than I could have dreamt.

Don’t Go Back To Sleep
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
doesn’t make any sense.

Practical Mindfulness 🙃
An everyday tip

How To Choose A Meditation Teacher
Priorizing wellness in 2024? Here are a couple tips that may help 🙏🏻.…

It’s Okay If The Holidays Are Tough
It’s okay if the holidays are tough. Here's a practice I did today that may help 💙

A Quick, Simple Tip For The Holidays
Here's a quick, simple tip I've been offering to clients for navigating difficult situations over the holidays. It's one of the most valuable things I've learned over the years...if you're dreading time with a difficult family member, reframe: so many amazing opportunities to practice 🙃 anywho, hope this can be helpful for you, too!

Thanissara On Going Beyond The Walls Of Mind
In our third event, we explore the Heart Sutra, and specifically investigate dissolving the seeds of violence that arise from the creation of the “other” via separative consciousness. When we let go of this over reliance on the cognitive frame, we can find deep peace. We believe this shift allows the systemic change we so desperately need in the world, today.

Newer Client Testimonial
"I've been working with Andy for about four months and would highly recommend him to other startup founders and leaders. What I've personally appreciated most is how Andy's helped me recognize the impact of my emotional state and my feelings on the work I'm trying to do and the contributions that I'm trying to make.”

Thoughts And Feelings Are Not The Enemy
Thoughts and feelings are not the enemy. Eyes see, ears hear, skin feels, noses smell, tongues taste, and minds think. Our practice as meditators is to see and know we're seeing, to hear and know we're hearing, to feel and know we're feeling, to smell and know we're smelling, to taste and know we're tasting, and to think and know we're thinking. And to allow it all.

I Choose Love. I Choose Living.
Lost in the depths of hell amidst a recent Ayahuasca journey, I began to discover another way. I'd often heard about this so-called "choice" before, yet it never previously felt like a choice…at least that I had the tools to make.
The path I'd been traveling was dark and ominous. Beginning to feel overwhelmed, my Buddhist meditation practice kicked in — awareness shifted to the breath, and I started allowing the nightmare to play out.
Almost as soon as I made the adjustment, in the distance appeared a pinprick of light. Like a moth to a lantern, to call it a choice to pursue at that point doesn't do justice to the automatic, instinctual attraction I felt. I wasn't sure where it was leading. And I knew I wanted to, had to, move towards it.
As I navigated towards the brightness, this new path gradually began to appear. It slowly became wider and more clear, almost cutting through the increasingly narrow, slippery, dark trails that led back down into the depths of the cold, damp cave from which I was emerging. I saw those descending paths transition real-time from being the primary way to the detours.
The ego slowly came back online, and with each step forward, my trust grew in this new moment-by-moment choice I was now consciously making to follow the light.
Somewhere along the way, the curandero verbally asked me how I was doing. The only words I could muster: "I choose love. I choose living."

There's a fine curvy line for me between courage and recklessness. What’s the difference? There’s fear with both. For me, it’s in the intent. With courage, the intent feels wholesome. There’s a trust, faith…in nature, science, someone I respect, myself, silence. There’s curiosity, openess, a desire to learn. That’s the source of its power, for sure. With recklesness, the ego is in the driver’s seat. And it almost always (eventually) drops me into an abyss, often flat on my face!

Tired Of A Busy Mind?
Trying really hard to change, like to become happy or peaceful, attaches the mind to a state, like unhappiness or chaos, and ensures the latter. All you need to do is practice noticing and allowing what feels pleasant and unpleasant. Over time, the body-heart-mind will automatically release the hot handles of the frying pans...