Thanissara On Going Beyond The Walls Of Mind

…At Sacred Mountain Sangha we believe liberation and wellbeing is the birthright of all, and that awakening to our shared belonging within the web of life is a critical component for a sustainable, just, and equitable world…

…At Sacred Mountain Sangha we believe liberation and wellbeing is the birthright of all, and that awakening to our shared belonging within the web of life is a critical component for a sustainable, just, and equitable world…

Let’s Change, Together

In our third event in collaboration with Sacred Mountain Sangha, we explore the Heart Sutra, and specifically investigate dissolving the seeds of violence that arise from the creation of the “other” via separative consciousness. When we let go of this over reliance on the cognitive frame, we can find deep peace. We believe this shift allows the systemic change we so desperately need in the world, today.

Andy Wolfe

Andy is an accomplished product manager with a background in software engineering and entrepreneurship. He speaks four languages, holds 2 patents, and has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University in Computer Science.

A Quick, Simple Tip For The Holidays


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