Thanissara On Going Beyond The Walls Of Mind
In our third event, we explore the Heart Sutra, and specifically investigate dissolving the seeds of violence that arise from the creation of the “other” via separative consciousness. When we let go of this over reliance on the cognitive frame, we can find deep peace. We believe this shift allows the systemic change we so desperately need in the world, today.

Thanissara On Healing Ourselves And Our World
Our second event focuses on personal and collective healing to let go of internal narratives and patterns that no longer serve so we can be clearer conduits for the intelligence of nature. Empowered to respond from a place of greater freedom, unhindered by internalized conditioning that undermines the fullness of our energy, we can more fully embody our authentic energy to meet these times.

Thanissara On Building Resilience And Making A Difference
This event is offered to company leaders to strengthen resilience and orient towards making a difference by drawing from a unique synthesis of the primary branches of Buddhism and informed by Western therapeutic processes. This approach, cultivated by Thanissara and Kittisaro, provides a context for the practice of meditation and contemplative inquiry enabling a heart-centered life of service.