These are some of my clients’ favorite posts over time…
Happiness Supports — a consolidated checklist of all the things to help cultivate wellbeing.
Mindfulness Resources — my (clients’) favorite books, videos, articles, etc.
Meditation Does Not Have To Be So Hard — how to stop the struggle in meditation
The How Is As Important As The What In Self-Care — how to stop the struggle on the growth path
One Of The Simplest Ways To Achieve Your Goals — practicing moving towards vs. away from
Do You Love Your Career Or Does Your Ego? — it’s a decicate line and probably a combination of both
How Much Is Your Unhappiness Worth? — probably more than you’re selling it for 🤷🏻
STOP — “when you don’t know how to say no, your body will say it for you.”
Brands I Trust — a deep-dive reference for all the healthy products and brands
And maybe the most important of all…
It’s The End Of The World As We Know It — it might feel surprising finding this title in this list, you might feel hesitation to read it, and I encourage reading this one more than any others