Thanissara On Building Resilience And Making A Difference
Career, Mindfulness, SMS Collaboration Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness, SMS Collaboration Andy Wolfe

Thanissara On Building Resilience And Making A Difference

This event is offered to company leaders to strengthen resilience and orient towards making a difference by drawing from a unique synthesis of the primary branches of Buddhism and informed by Western therapeutic processes. This approach, cultivated by Thanissara and Kittisaro, provides a context for the practice of meditation and contemplative inquiry enabling a heart-centered life of service.

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Let’s Change, Together
Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

Let’s Change, Together

Are you feeling empty inside despite worldly success? You see, what you've been looking for "out there" is already in you. It's been there all along...

And the path to realizing it IS the destination 🚶🏻‍♀️.

It's healing. It's meaning. It's love 💙.

And it saves the world 🌎.


Please join my dear teacher Thanissara and me on Zoom on Tuesday 8/22 in this inaugural event for leaders where we'll combine ancient Buddhist wisdom, western psychotherapy, and design thinking to simultaneously address the challenges within and the challenges of the world.

Come, meditate, absorb, meet, brainstorm.

Let's do something BIG, together.

Learn more and register at

Brought to you in collaboration with Sacred Mountain Sangha 🙏🏻.

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Seven Years Of Practice
Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

Seven Years Of Practice

Today marks 7 years of formal daily meditation practice for me. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined myself where I am today. I'm beyond grateful for each and every moment 🙏🏻.

Along the way, there have been over 100 days of retreat, a 2-year meditation teacher training, a yearlong somatic coaching training, a yoga teacher training, countless journeys 🌿, finding Ikigai thru mindful leadership coaching, living in the woods for 2 years, letting go of alcohol and caffeine, transitioning to a whole food plant based diet, sleeping more, and 4 hours every morning dedicated to peace...I estimate some 2,000 hours of practice since 2016 that have revived in me what my grandfather helped me begin cultivating at an early age, thru gazing at the water.

My practice is now, in addition to plenty of things on the inside, bringing this constantly changing new me and what I have learned into community and the world.

Deep gratitude to all of the practitioners who have kept Buddhist meditation alive and shared it for millinea 🙇🏼. And to all of you who have supported me along the way 💙.

"Peace in myself, peace in the world." — Thay

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Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe


“I cannot thank Andy enough for his impact on my company. About two years ago, Andy introduced the concept of Acceptance. Not only did Acceptance become one of our core values, it has changed how we communicate and treat each other on a daily basis.”

— Seth G., Software Company CEO

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Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe


"We are so all motivated by the desire to be happy. And we know that we should have some power to be really happy. But what kind of power should we acquire? That is the question, and this is a real topic of meditation for everyone." — Thich Nhat Hanh

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Anxiety And Climate Change
Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

Anxiety And Climate Change

You know how all the animals go haywire before a big natural disaster...

Anxiety levels are rising. Anxiety is fear. Fear is for survival. Climate change is accelerating.

Is anyone else seeing the link 🤔?

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Are You Ready For A Still Mind?
Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Career, Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

Are You Ready For A Still Mind?

Many people say they want peace, and deep down, they aren't yet ready for it. That's how it was for me for years. And that's the real reason I didn't have it. I thrived on the chaos. And not only is this okay, acknowledging this is a critical step in the path forward.

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A Blessing For The Journey
Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

A Blessing For The Journey

Let us vow to bear witness to the wholeness of life,
realizing the completeness of each and every thing.
Embracing our differences,
I shall know myself as you,
and you as myself.
May we serve each other
for all our days,
here, there, and everywhere.

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How My Dog Has Taught Me To Love
Mindfulness Andy Wolfe Mindfulness Andy Wolfe

How My Dog Has Taught Me To Love

Dear Barkley, thank you for showing me how to love...

- In greeting me with affection and joy, no matter what

- In being gentle with me

- In taking the space you need and always coming back

- In meditating patiently with me

- In knowing when I'm sad and coming close

- In the way you tilt your head when you look at me

- In your patience as I slowly learn to receive your love and then show you mine

- In allowing me to hold my head close to yours

- In defaulting to always show your love to all, and then standing kindly firm only when necessary

- In reminding me how to play

- In kindly teaching me to put you first on walks, telling me what you need

- In waking me when there's an emergency

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