Tears Of The Earth

I had an existential moment Thursday evening watching the high tide in southern California. There was no sand left on the beach, only a makeshift gravel barrier between the pounding waves and the road. Water ran down the street. I walked up the hill towards its source...

It was a house not far up the road. Peering over the wooden fence, I saw that the front of this abandoned home extended closer to the water than the gravel barrier where I'd started.

The ocean effortlessly washed over the concrete foundation, steadily eroding wooden walls...leaving a stream of tears trickling down the driveway.

At first, I interpreted the tears as the earth mourning her own death. But then I realized, no...the tears are for us. She is sad because we are going to force her to kill us before we kill her.

I've never before felt so strongly the impermanence of this blip in the cosmos that is our human existence.

I looked down at Barkley, "how do we want to spend our remaining time here, buddy? What matters?"

5 words have since surfaced: practice, peace, & play. With people & our planet.

May we all wake up 🙏🏻 🌎.

Andy Wolfe

Andy is an accomplished product manager with a background in software engineering and entrepreneurship. He speaks four languages, holds 2 patents, and has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University in Computer Science.


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