Your Power To Change The World

"At out current speed, change will come too late to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. You may think it's not your responsibility to drive (climate) change. You may not think that you have the power to make this happen. Both of those statements are wrong...globally, we're collectively in a state of...'The Dithering', a state of indecision and a state of inaction in the face of a global crisis. But countries will agree to boost in action, IF enough people encourage them to do so. Contact your representatives, and ask them what they are doing to deliver...That direct action does work. I have seen positions change time and time again when citizens engage directly. Every time you buy something, ask yourself the question: is this the greenest option? Ask those around you about their green choices. Learn new things. Educate and mobilize. The power of human organization can result in change...You don't have to be a make a significant contribution. Climate action calls for all skill sets. Ask yourself: What am I passionate about? What am I good at? What am I training for? Then ask yourself the question, how can I apply this to the climate crisis? And do exactly that thing." — Simon Stiell, Head of UN Climate Change

Andy Wolfe

Andy is an accomplished product manager with a background in software engineering and entrepreneurship. He speaks four languages, holds 2 patents, and has a Bachelor of Arts from Columbia University in Computer Science.

Thanissara On Building Resilience And Making A Difference


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