"We are so all motivated by the desire to be happy. And we know that we should have some power to be really happy. But what kind of power should we acquire? That is the question, and this is a real topic of meditation for everyone." — Thich Nhat Hanh
Are You Ready For A Still Mind?
Many people say they want peace, and deep down, they aren't yet ready for it. That's how it was for me for years. And that's the real reason I didn't have it. I thrived on the chaos. And not only is this okay, acknowledging this is a critical step in the path forward.
Tears Of The Earth
I've never before felt so strongly the impermanence of this blip in the cosmos that is our human existence.
Prioritization Under Pressure
I optimize to relieve the most stress, the fastest!
Happiness Is Simple
The Dalai Lama says, “the purpose of life is to be happy.” It’s simple. Think about things that bring you happiness. Do more of them! Think about things that bring you unhappiness. Do less of them!
Sometimes, when the brain doesn’t let me stop, the body takes control.
Do You Love Your Career Or Does Your Ego?
Often, my motivation for starting something is so pure; I love it for it. But just as success comes, so too does the ego.
The Secret To Getting The Raise You Deserve
In all probability, you are limiting yourself based on a fear of asking for more.
Take These Four Steps To Get Your Dream Job
Learn how to increase your chances of getting hired by over 7x.
How Much Is Your Unhappiness Worth?
You're probably selling your unhappiness for a lot less than it's worth.