Weekly Professionals Group

“Good Friendship…Is The Entire Spiritual Life.” — The Buddha

I grew up around meditation, and my time with Andy fundamentally changed the way I think about mindfulness. After our conversations, I approach my personal practice, and even daily conversations, in a new way.
— Ky H., Entrepreneur

Practice In Community

Whether you're just getting started along the meditation journey or have been on it for a while, practicing in community is one of the most important parts of the path. It’s a place to learn, grow, and connect with peers who share an interest in cultivating happiness and awakening. You'll see the prevalence of some of your challenges, put others in perspective, and have opportunities to discuss. This brings meaning and peace.

Weekly meetings include clear instructions on how to meditate, with relevant scientific and historical background. We focus on the nuances of meditation where professionals in the West most often trip up (like navigating a busy mind) and practice re-engaging our right brain, responsible for creativity and intuition. One of the fundamental questions we explore over time is, in the face of fear, how do I show up from a place of love? Joining a meditation group helps with accountability and is the best way I know to wake up to the ever-changing, interconnected nature of our existence — a realization which brings great happiness.

Group Details

The current standing weekly group is at capacity, and I’m available to start new ones based on interest. In each 45-minute Zoom meeting, there’s a guided meditation, short talk (sometimes), and interactive portion. We have a private Discord channel to continue dialogue in-between sessions.

Feel guilty about using “company” time for this? I encourage you to let your peers, board members, investors, managers, etc. know what you’ll be doing as well as why, and see what happens 🤔.

An income-based pricing calculator determines fees — nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Here are the monthly price tiers based on household annual earnings (divided by household adults — there’s a 25% discount for active coaching clients):

Annual Income Monthly Group Fee
> $200K $395
$150K $295
$100K $195
$75K $95
< $50K $45

For individual and group continuity, the commitment in registering is to be present for the entirety of each weekly meeting with video enabled and to stay for a minimum of three months (most have been in the group for years). As a modern professional, this means blocking your calendar and communicating that this time is unavailable. Obviously things come up, and it is okay to miss from time-to-time by letting the group know ahead of time in Discord 🙏🏻 . Being a part of a group like this is as much for the others as it is yourself. Please also read these group agreements which you’ll be required to make in order to join.

If you’re interested in joining, please apply for consideration using the form, below. I like to meet and get to know each person beforehand to feel out the mutual fit.

Apply Now